
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, ٢٠١٧

Protozoa diseases

A malignant disease affecting males and females caused by monocytes in the humid temperate regions. Symptoms: * Abdominal swelling and non-overlapping wings and the ability of the bee to fly. * You see the workers crawling on grass and inside the cell and less ability to sting. * As a result of injury workers see the swelling of the central gastrointestinal tract and change its color to white Gray. * The infected bees spew the faeces for the slightest pressure on the abdomen. the cure : 1. Use of the phimidal b for the infected cell. 2. Good nutrition for communities, strengthening them and good ownership. 3. Renew drinking sources and be clean. 4. The presence of dissolved in an area with good ventilation and sunny. 2 - dysentery (diarrhea): A malignant disease in which the monocytes attack the elbows and cause damage to the lining of their ducts The disease is very rare and appears in the spring and the infection is transmitted by the vesicles treated by the workers With food to gr...


In the Holy Quran, God said: "If you live in the Holy Land, B and Utah and others [68] Then, all of the three months will be filled by the Lord, It is a shark in the eye of the phallus in it We will be able to do so for the sake of our people. [69] [Al-Nahl] The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Allaah has made my nation heal in three places: a drink of honey or a police station Or fire and what I like to eat). In the Stone Age, for 8,000 years, he ate honey in his food and used it as a remedy This is what we find in the pictures, manuscripts and papyri of the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians in Iraq and Syria, and the ancients Egyptians use it in embalming to preserve the tissues of mummies. Beekeeping is an important agricultural sector that contributes mainly to the development of the economy Through the process of hybrid pollination, which is contributed by honey bees mainly through Its products and income, and bees are the only way ...